Adding FavIcons

Adding FavIcons

Every website should have its own FavIcons. If for no other reason than that it gives that extra touch to your website.


To create a FavIcon to the website, you may need to install the Photoshop plugin. On this page, Jennifer Apple, gives a good guide on how to create the Favicon.


Then, it needs to be updated to the website. That is easy with abcOnline-CMS. Just log in as the Designer, choose "Client Framework", and Upload the icon you just created. abcOnline-CMS will automatically place it on the server and add the necessary code to the HTML Head.


But as Jennifer Apple writes, it can be tricky to get Internet Explorer to display it properly. You may have to wait until IE decides to update the cache !


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Adding FavIcons

abcOnline-CMS makes it easy. The difficult part is getting your IE-browser to display it.